One of the major differences between the SmartLead Account Management team and others in our industry is that we’re more than just problem-solvers for our clients. We’re also strategic advisors. Every day, we look for ways to make our clients’ lives easier and campaigns more successful.
Our clients often start out with just the basics – they don’t always know how many of their needs we can fill until we analyze their process thoroughly. For example, I have a new client who was using just the call center portion of our services, which for them includes a monthly calling campaign to seek out new leads.
Recently I recommended that we add a hard-copy fulfillment program to this calling campaign for prospects that indicated they would like more information. When potential customers want your literature, the best move is to get in their hands right away. Often, companies depend on their sales representatives to get marketing materials to the prospects. But sales reps are busy and often away from the office on sales calls.
Our fulfillment program takes that load off the sales reps’ shoulders. SmartLead sends the information automatically, which saves the reps from having to coordinate it on their own. Since sales reps have many prospects asking about a variety of products, we integrate our clients’ business rules into SmartLead. This takes the work out of responding to prospects via hard copy, email, or phone. It also reduces the risk of the potential customer not getting their materials at all!
Email fulfillment is another important tool I recommend to my clients to keep their sales cycle continuously moving forward. Right after one of our call center reps get off the phone with an interested prospect, an appropriate email gets sent to follow up on their interest and give them the name of their local sales representative who will be contacting them. Email fulfillment is a win-win for the client and the prospect because it gives the prospect the chance to proactively reach out to the rep right away if they’re ready.
Many of my clients use all of our services, and I’m continuing to migrate them to the new SmartLead platform. This new platform is more intuitive than previous editions, and offers sales channel partners an easy way to access and status their prospects.
The new SmartLead has two different components: Lead Management and CRM. The Lead Management component is based on our clients’ business rules – the information we’ve analyzed to determine which leads are likely to convert into opportunities. On the full CRM side, interested leads can be converted into opportunities and even paired with contacts and accounts. Leads that are converted to opportunities are managed within the CRM side of SmartLead, but continue to have all of the original source information attached.
My clients who have migrated to the new SmartLead enjoy the ability to sort, status, and properly cultivate relationships with interested prospects. Managing their sales cycle in one intuitive system has made it easier for our clients to measure ROI and increase sales.
From basic services to complex lead management systems, there are plenty of opportunities for new and long-standing clients to improve their sales cycle management program. With an all-in-one system like SmartLead, we help our clients achieve and increase their sales goals with fewer steps, and a lot less stress.